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· One min read

Hey Welcome to the Glossary section of the docs. The Glossary section gives definition of the words you will come across in this Docs


Application Programming Interface(API)API is the acronym for application programming interface — a software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other
Electionsa formal and organized choice by vote of a person for a political office or other position.
Election TypeThe different type of election's
Local Government AreaLGA is an acronym for Local Government Area - administrative division of a country that a local government is responsible for
INECIndependent National Electoral Commission
IrevThe Irev is the acronym for INEC Election Result Viewer
Polling Unitthe place, enclosure, booth, shade or house at which voting takes place
StateA state is a centralized political organization that imposes and enforces rules over a population within a territory.
Wardan administrative division of a city or borough that typically elects and is represented by a councillor or councillors.

· One min read
Emamuzo Omokiti

Hey 👋 welcome to my first documentation site using docasarus.

I have been wanting to try my hands on docasarus,I think there is something about the name though,well I like it.

I have been cracking my head on what to document using docasarus. I knew docasarus won't be that difficult to pick up for me since I am familiar with React and markdown.

Even if it was not in React.I would still be able to use it because I enjoy learning and trying new things.

I came across Chiziaruhoma Ogbonda tweet, he had compiled the APIs used by the INEC irev portal. I decided to document them using docasarus.

The Independent National Electoral Commission commnly called INEC is the body incharge of elections in Nigeria, where I come from.

We actually just finished our elections. We had the presedential and National Assembly elections in February and gubernatorial elections elctions in March.

I hope you explore the docs and what it has to offer.