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Get Local Government Area by Id

Get Local Government Area by Id

Path Parameters
election_id string REQUIRED

The id of a specific election

Example: 63f8f25b594e164f8146a213
lga string REQUIRED

The id of a local government area

Example: 5f0f397a4d89fc3a883de0c0

Get a specific local government area

ward array OPTIONAL
status string OPTIONAL
id int64
state_id int64 OPTIONAL
state int64 OPTIONAL
lga_id int64 OPTIONAL
lga string OPTIONAL
state_constituency_id int64 OPTIONAL
state_constituency string OPTIONAL
federal_constituency_id string OPTIONAL
federal_constituency string OPTIONAL
senatorial_district_id int64 OPTIONAL
senatorial_district string OPTIONAL
name string
code string OPTIONAL
old_name string OPTIONAL
ward_id int64 OPTIONAL
created_at timestamp OPTIONAL
updated_at timestamp OPTIONAL
__v int64 OPTIONAL